Canon MS 300 II scanner was purchased on the 23rd of September 2008 as a part of the project of “Protection and preservation of Cieszyn’s writing heritage”.
The equipment allows fast and easy scanning (digital conversion) of all types of roll microfilms kept on 16/35 mm carriers and in ANSI/3M cartridges, as well as flat materials, e.g. fiche and aperture cards. This unit offers a wide resolution range (600 x 600, 400 x 400, 300 x 300 and 200 x 200 dpi), scanning with 8-bit grayscale depth and automatic conversion of microfilms to digital images through scanning of the entire microfilm without manual rolling required. Scanning speed is 5,5 seconds per frame at 200 dpi, 7,5 sec. at 300 dpi, 10 sec. at 400 dpi and 16 sec. at 600 dpi.
Another useful unit is the new GIDEON 1000 microfilm reader. It has been installed in Cieszyn’s Historical Library Reading Room to view 16 mm and 35 mm microfilm images. The advantage of Gideon 1000 is easy operation – automatic film sliding in both directions, excellent image quality and microfilm protection against mechanical damage /scratching/. Gideon 1000 reader is used by many renowned libraries.